Tuesday, May 31, 2005

My Camping Gear List

=== Sleeping Gear ===

* 1. tent
* 2. camping pad or air mattress + pump
* 3. light quilt
* 4. sleeping bags or heavy quilt
* 5. tarp and threads

=== Food ===
1. cooler + ice
2. bamboo skewer/roasting fork
3. foil and plastic wrap
4. paper towel
5. facial tissue
6. plastic plates/cups/forks
7. swiss knife
8. a pot with cover
9. pot handler/gloves
10. table cloth
11. wash cloth
12. jug with filter
13. seasoning oil and/or salt and/or brush
14. breakfast noodles and spam
15. other food and fruits
16. chips
17. water/soft drinks

=== Cooking ===
1. grill
2. charcoal + lightening fluid
3. wood starter
4. newspapers to start the fire
5. matches
6. ax
7. tong
8. protane oven + protane

=== Tools ===
* 1. flashlight and/or lantern
* 2. camera + some cash
3. maps
* 4. medicine
* 5. entertaining stuff: cards, frisbies
* 6. bathroom tissue
* 7. sun block lotion
* 8. insect respellent
9. insect respellent candel
* 10. facial cream + body lotion
* 11. tooth brush + paste + shave
* 12. shampoo + soap
* 13. contact lense + glasses

=== Clothes ===
* 1. underwears / t-shirt / socks
* 2. slippers
* 3. swim wear + beach towel
* 4. coats

Monday, May 30, 2005




主要的情节梗概是他在出国读书前10天注册结婚,1年后帮助他太太申请到了同一学校的financial support,太太过来了后将近1年开始分居,又过了1年办妥离婚手续。他太太对他说,他从各个方面来说都比他低一个层次,他是在她最失意的时候捡了皮包。



我的信条:事前仔细打算,谨慎慢行;事中循序渐进,一板一眼;事后坚决果断,不拖泥带水。//sigh 感情的事情,没有谁对谁错了。真的走到最后一步,多想想他/她给你带来快乐的时光,放手。


Sunday, May 29, 2005

Funny Character Analyzer

What Video Game Character Are You? I am an Asteroid.I am an Asteroid.

I am a drifter. I go where life leads, which makes me usually a very calm and content sort of person. That or thoroughly apathetic. Usually I keep on doing whatever I'm doing, and it takes something special to make me change my mind. What Video Game Character Are You?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Kayaking Plan

Haven't been out for long time! Summer is almost here and now I am planning for an outing after 3 weeks.

The basic plan is camping + kayaking. Here is a link for reference. I picked Adventure Sports Canoe & Raft Trips and Kittatinny Canoes. The main reason is that they are in PA so it is closer to us and they have better rates on that website. Propably I will go with Kittatinny since it owns camping site also. So I don't need to bother to find a camping spot closer to the kayaking place.

Hope kayaking is easy for beginners! The draft plan is to kayak on Saturday, camp overnite and do a little hiking on Sunday. :) Of course don't forget camp fire and BBQ. I will call them up soon. emm... if you are reading this blog and are interested in camping with us, let me know. :D

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

No time to post!!!

I do have some food pictures to upload. Just haven't found the time yet. Anyway, I will try to do that this weekend. Many of them are from a party two weeks ago. I invited 5 people to my place for a dinner party. It went pretty well. :)

Last weekend when I drove back home, my husband already cooked soysauce ribs (hong2 shao2 xiao3 pai2), tomato soup and a vegetable. :) He's getting better in cooking and I enjoyed ribs a lot.

Have to mention a novel I read from mitbbs couple days ago. It is a story about a couple (Shanghai girl and her husband from East-Northern China). It is a well-written story but heart-broken. A couple who used to love each other deeply can end up in kill. The problems built up by little things because of the family background. Anyway, I was very upset on Friday. If you have chance, please do read the story and think about how to avoid such things from the beginning.

Every day Germany: tschuiss (good bye), "guten morgen" (good morning), and "wie gehts" (how's it going).

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Another Day As Intern Here

Well, if you don't know, this summer I work as an intern in Siemens Corporate Research. It is in Princeton, NJ. About 45 miles from Bethlehem, PA but it requires 1hr and 30 min driving. :(

SCR is overcrowded with interns. Here is about 250 full-time employee and 150 interns. Most interns are from Europe, you guessed it, German. So I am like living in German with all these Deutisch speakers around. :D Guten Tag! Pick up my long-forgotten Germany a little bit.

Work is OK and I am doing my best at it. For work, I try to my best to make myself worth the salary paid by them. It is too boring to discuss job content in a blog so I am going to omit 2500 words here. HEHE.

OK. Gotta back to work!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

自力更生的早餐 Tofu Breakfast







2。冲入少量水化开的1ts - 2 ts 熟石膏。多做几次就知道了。一次加了没凝固可以重新加热豆浆,然后再加熟石膏溶液。


Monday, May 09, 2005

星期天的两餐 Two meals on Sunday

我们两都喜欢吃河海里的东西,什么鱼虾之类的,每个星期不吃上5,6次都不舒服。周日早上吃了很饱的早饭(自家做的发面葱油饼), 中午就吃得少一些:




冷面,炒青椒虾仁,crab cake,凉拌豆腐

夏天吃冷面,很爽口开胃的.上海的吃法是冷面拌花生酱和醋. 远远两个黑黑的是crab cake,买的半成品,不好意思煎黑了点.炒虾仁做面的浇头.还有一个凉拌豆腐也是清爽可口的夏日必备菜,这次用了香椿头拌的.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Scare of BLOG

(Today I got up early because I was supposed to grade some final papers with a Prof. But when I reached school AT 8AM, he told me he had that done last night. - -||| So now I got a little time to write something down.)

Sometimes I am scared of BLOG. I am not scared of showing my emotions/feelings to other people. Since I was a kid, I have believed all the things I did/am doing/will do should be able to tell anyone in the world (if they are interested of coz). So I am very frank when people ask me questions. Obviously I will not mind to write my real thoughts in BLOG.

The thing I am scared of is to see other people's stories. I do not have very close friends. I intentionally stay some distance from other people. That is because I easily get upset for someone else's bad experience and I easily get worried for someone else's bad situation. I know that's my fault. Too much care and the inner pessimistic me.

Now, becoz of the blog, I can check out many friends' lives every day. Now with MSN space, it's very easy to see that they have added new stuff into their blog. Also it's hard to constrain my curiosity and not to check those out. Some distant friends are just like sitting next to me and tell me their stories every day.

That is quite scary to me. But I will survive... believe me... :)

Next Friday I will invite some friends over for a dinner. There will be 7-8 people (a crowd!). I am thinking hard to feed them. HAHA. As a tradition, the menu will be a secret till that time. :D

Next Saturday I will go to a friend's wedding. My old officemate is getting married! Feel quite excited to see him in formal dress since he usually dresses in quite 'crappy' casual clothes.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

急诊室的故事 - ER

这几天看了第一季的ER,看到半夜三更。最喜欢这个片子,里面有的是人生百态。很佩服编剧,可以把4-5个故事串在45分钟的片子里,看的时候,就像在急诊室工作一样,每分钟都不让人省心哦。有不得不面对死亡的病人,恩爱的夫妻,无人照料的老人。。。 第一季里有乔治.科鲁尼,那时候他真的很帅哦。:)有些其他的演员,直到了十一季还在,真想看看他们的整个的故事。



Sunday, May 01, 2005

假冒硝蹄膀 Salted Pork Shoulder


a. 花椒若干,盐
b. 蹄膀一个(pork shoulder)
c. 细绳若干(美国超市里有用来绑火鸡的绳子,买上一捆,可以用来包粽子,也可以用来做别的用处)

1. 蹄膀去骨。骨头和一只cornish hen一起烧了一锅很香的汤,吃的时候加粉丝白菜,很好吃。:)
2. 炒香花椒盐(千万不要用不粘锅阿,要把锅炒坏的)。趁热用花椒盐擦遍蹄膀内外。
3. 蹄膀放冰箱冷藏2天。
4. 取出蹄膀,用冷水冲净表面的盐粒,花椒粒。卷起来,用绳子扎紧。
5. 入大锅,煮30-45分钟。直到熟透。取出冷却(不要解绳子哦)。
6. 冷到室温以后,放冰箱冷藏过夜。
7. 解绳子,切薄片。争取每天都带皮带肥带瘦。觉得味道不够的话,可以用蒜泥,酱油,麻油,糖做成蘸汁。我觉得不蘸也很香了。

